entr 双语例句
Use that process as an entr é e to a second round of references , which will add insights . 将此作为进入第二轮背景调查的基础,背景调查可以提供更多洞察。 When was the last time you tasted the latest entr é e at your restaurant . 你最近一次品尝自己餐厅的主菜是什么时候? Business school will give you entr e to a company , but what you do when you get there matters more . 商学院给了你进入公司的敲门砖,但是你进公司后的所作所为才是更重要的。 Some part of me knows that there 's an entr é e by virtue of the fact that I actually have an entity where we could develop something . 我知道我终于拿到了入场券,可以通过这个公司创造点什么。