Joanna 双语例句
Joanna czechowska , who learned polish as a child from her grandmother photograph : frank baron 乔安娜捷秋斯卡,童年时通过她的祖母学习波兰语摄像:弗兰克巴伦 Joanna shields , vice president of facebook europe , made the announcement this morning at a media conference in london . facebook欧洲总部副总裁乔安娜希尔兹今天早上在伦敦的一个新闻发布会宣布了这个消息。 The best expression of this positive approach that I know is by joanna macy , a buddhist social activist . 我知道提出积极对待的表现方式是乔安娜.梅西,她是一位佛教的社会积极分子。 Joanna hardy , director of jewellery at sotheby 's and the woman behind london rocks , believes these wearable designs represent a new collecting opportunity . 苏富比珠宝部总监、伦敦宝石展策划人乔安娜哈迪(joannahardy)认为,这些可佩戴的设计是一个新的收藏机会。 I called joanna mountain , ph.d. , 23andme 's senior director of research , so she could teach me how to brag more effectively . 我给“23andme”公司负责研发的高级主管乔安娜芒滕博士打了个电话,好让她可以教教我如何更有效地进行炫耀。