Alfa 双语例句
Among car companies , alfa romeo reminds me of an aging movie actress . 汽车厂商中,阿尔法•罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)让我想起一位上了年纪的电影女明星。 Maserati , lamborghini , jaguar , alfa romeo all are developing suvs . 玛莎拉蒂(Maserati)、兰博基尼(Lamborghini)、捷豹(Jaguar)、阿尔法罗密欧(AlfaRomeo)都在开发SUV。 In the latest alfa drama , the automaker is reported to be talking intensively about a linkup with audi . 最近的报道中,阿尔法正与奥迪(Audi)密切来往。 Mr marchionne had set alfa a target to reach sales of 3 00000 cars a year by 2010 , but in 2009 it sold barely 1 00000 . 马尔奇奥尼为阿尔法公司设定了2010年以前年销售30万辆的目标,但2009年它只卖出区区10万辆。 Telenor says it believes the farimex case is connected to its dispute with alfa group . telenor表示,它相信farimex案件与它和alfa集团的争端有关。