英 ['pi:dʒ'eɪ'es]
美 ['pi:dʒ'eɪ'es]
- [医][=peritoneojugular shunt]腹腔颈静脉分流术
pjs 双语例句
I stash my comfy shoes , pjs and the all important extra handbag or two in my carry-on . 在随身行李中,我会放一双舒服的鞋子,一套睡衣,还会额外放一两个非常重要的手提包。 Binding or hot pjs make for restless and uncomfortable sleep . 紧身或躁热的睡衣在睡觉时会感觉不安和难受。 Ladies match a handbag to their best pjs , for a trip to the shops ; old men wear only boxer shorts in the sultry streets . 女士们会挎上与自己最好的睡衣相配的手包去逛商店;在闷热的街道上,老年男子会只穿着条平角短裤。 So , if the polls are right , and the markeys are right , republican voters may wish to wear their sexy pjs to bed next tuesday . 所以,如果民意调查是对的,如果马基夫妇是对的,那下周二共和党的投票者们还是最好穿起他们的性感小裤裤,上床享乐去吧!