aisles 双语例句
By the end of the concert ray had the audience dancing in the aisles . 演唱会快结束时,雷鼓动听众们在过道里跳起舞来。 Through the narrow aisles of pain . 经过的通道痛苦而又逼仄。 Sometimes I just wander the aisles of the library . 我有时候就在图书馆的走廊走来走去。 They haveeven been seen to travel along aeroplane aisles in mid-flight . 它们甚至被看见冒出在飞行中的飞机的走道中。 The snack aisles in supermarkets are very big and have lots of choices . 超市里放零食的货架很大,意味着可选择的种类很多。