gino 双语例句
Gino clawed his way out of underworld obscurity to become a millionaire hotelier . 吉诺从底层社会的无名小卒一步步奋斗成为拥有百万家财的酒店大亨。 I don \'t have a very high opinion AF Gino after his behaviour last night . 基诺昨晚的表现使我对他评价不高。 But apparently enough creative people cheat to interest researchers like Francesca Gino . 但很显然,他们的创意已经足够引起像francescagino这样的研究人员的兴趣。 Vioiet , it \'s Gino and johnnie.they were in a car accident . 维雅乐,吉诺与强尼遇到了车祸。 Gino , your son stoie this money to set me up ! 吉诺,你儿子偷了你的钱来陷害我。