Eisen 双语例句
Dr eisen wondered if it could be pushed still further . 埃辛博士猜想这项技术是否能进一步推广。 Bordeebook is more puzzling , but eisen has an ingenious theory . bordeebook比较令人费解,但艾森有一个巧妙的解释。 Eisen heard that many prices on amazon were set by computers , and suspected this might be the reason . 艾森听说,亚马逊的许多价格是由计算机设定的,因此他怀疑这可能是原因所在。 But jonathan eisen of uc-davis doesn 't let the scientists off so easily . 但是,uc-davis的jonathaneisen却不能令科学家们潜心工作。 And mr. eisen is futilely hoping that his queens are gonna stand up . 伊森先生希望他的皮蛋们最大是不实际的。