英 [s'paɪərəʊ]
美 [s'paɪərəʊ]
spiro 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Spiro
spiro 双语例句
Nick spiro , managing director of spiro sovereign strategy , said mr draghi had " managed to talk down the euro while talking up the eurozone " . 斯皮罗主权策略(spirosovereignstrategy)的尼克斯皮罗(nickspiro)称,德拉吉“成功贬低了欧元,但力挺了欧元区”。 Not long after taking office nixon appointed a space task force to determine the future of cosmic exploration chaired by vice president spiro agnew . 但尼克松上台后不久,便任命了以副总统斯皮罗阿格纽为首的专家团来确定未来的太空探索方向。 He encouraged spiro agnew , his vice-president , to declare war on the " effete corps of impudent snobs " in the media , with their ivy league educations and georgetown social values . 因而他鼓励斯皮诺艾格纽他的副总统,通过媒体对“傲慢无礼小人之辈那不堪一击的尸首”宣战,充分利用他们常春藤联盟的教育背景和乔治城的社会价值观。 The olympic anthem is the musical work entitled " olympic anthem " , composed by spiro samara . 奥运会歌名即为“奥运会歌”,由斯皮鲁萨马拉作曲。 ' It 's doubtful whether the intrusive fiscal and economic regime proposed by germany and the european commission is a price which italy , and many other euro-zone countries for that matter , is willing to pay to rescue the bloc , ' said nicholas spiro , a london-based sovereign debt consultant . 驻伦敦的主权债顾问斯皮罗(nicholasspiro)说,意大利和其它欧元区问题国家是否愿意为了拯救欧元区而接受德国和欧盟委员会(europeancommission)提出的干预一国财政和经济制度的方案还不确定。