- abbr. atheism 无神论;athlete (田径)运动员;atheist 无神论者;atheist(ic) 无神论者(的)
ath 双语例句
Prefer to do sth. rather than do ath . 宁愿做某事而不原做某事. We should take a shower instead of a b7 ath . 我们应该用淋浴代替浴缸浸浴。 The main reason children snore is a congenital ath , surgery is the best way to snoring in children . 儿童打呼噜的原因主要是先天性扁桃体、腺样体肥大,手术是治疗小儿打呼噜最好的办法。 Over the longer duration , we are still bullish on oil and oil-weighted companies , like the oil sands ( su , cve , meg , stp and ath ) , though we see it increasingly difficult for their shares to move higher in the short-term . 从长期来看,我们依然看好石油和石油权重公司的行情,比如含油砂开采公司(SU、CVE、MEG、STP与ATH),但我们认为,短期内石油股要继续上涨,将面临越来越多的困难。