royals 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Royals
royals 双语例句
The royals as little hitlers ? 皇室有一点希特勒? The royals mainly see discontent as an economic problem . 皇室成员大多把民众的不满情绪归结为经济问题。 But their fellow royals seem to be getting unduly nervous too . 但其他海湾国家的皇室成员也变得过度紧张。 A recent bbc report about the serbian royals includes footage from his baptism . bbc近期的一篇报道展示了包括亚历山大受洗仪式在内的塞尔维亚皇室生活。 The royals need a woman with diana 's glamour but without her instability . 皇室需要一个具备戴安娜式魅力、然而没有她那样不稳定婚姻的女子。