Guo 双语例句
Mr. guo said one reason china needs to liberalize its financial system is that its foreign-exchange reserves have grown too large . 郭树清说,中国需要开放其金融体系的一个原因是中国的外汇储备规模过大。 Speaking at a conference in beijing in february , mr guo made the remark that shanghai blue-chip stocks were showing " exceptional value " . 郭树清2月在北京一个会议上发表讲话时表示,上海股市的蓝筹股正展现出“罕见投资价值”。 Guo wants his company to reflect chinese culture ...... 郭广昌希望他的公司能反映出中国文化…… Yes , guo dong has a sister ? 对了,国栋有个妹妹对吧? Mr guo made his forecast in a new year 's message to staff seen by the financial times . 郭平是在向员工发出的新年致辞中做出这番预测的,英国《金融时报》看到了这封信。