refurbishment 双语例句
In fact the regulations encourage refurbishment and re-use of computer equipment . 事实上,该条例鼓励电脑设备的翻新和再使用。 Repair and refurbishment of marine corps equipment used in iraq and afghanistan 维修并翻新海军陆战队在伊拉克和阿富汗战争中使用过的设备。 The refurbishment included an upmarket bar and restaurant that are open to the general public . 这次整修了一个高档酒吧和一个面向普通公众开放的饭店。 On june 8th china 's top military brass confirmed that the country 's first aircraft carrier , a refurbishment of an old russian carrier , will be ready shortly . 6月8号,中国军方高层确认了中国近日将造成第一艘航母的消息,该航母是由苏联一艘旧航母翻新改造。 An optimist might see the planet 's rising temperature as a catalyst for the refurbishment of an outdated system of global governance . 乐观主义者可能会将地球温度上升视为一种催化剂,将推动过时的全球治理体系进行翻新。