英 ['keɪdənst]
美 ['keɪdənst]
cadenced 双语例句
His recitation was cadenced and rich in feeling . 他的朗颂抑扬顿挫,富有感情。 His recitation was cadenced and full of passion . 他的朗诵抑扬顿挫,富有激情。 I can well imagine that cadenced motion must be one of the most pleasing sights in the world . 我能充分想象,那有韵律的动作一定是世界上最令人悦目的一种景象。 The canter , always with light , cadenced and regular strides , should be moved into without hesitation . 跑步应当轻松、有节奏而且规律,运步毫不犹豫。 In the lateral movements , the pace should remain free and regular , maintaining a constant impulsion , yet it must be supple , cadenced and balanced . 在侧方运动时,仍然要保持步伐自由与规律,始终保持前进气势,而且要柔韧灵活、富有弹力、平衡良好。