- n. 民意调查(分析)者( pollster的名词复数 )
pollsters 双语例句
Poorer russians also are beginning to lose confidence , pollsters say . 民意调查者称,比较贫穷的俄罗斯人也开始丧失信心了。 In a recent survey , immigration was seen as the country 's third-biggest concern , after the economy and crime , say pollsters ipsos mori , leapfrogging unemployment this month . 据民意调查机构ipsosmori说,在最近进行的调查中,这个月移民问题超过失业,成为排在经济和犯罪之后的英国人关心的第三大问题。 Pollsters say labor may prevail by a few seats in the lower house . 民调分析人员说,工党可能会以微弱优势控制众议院。 A series of television and newspaper polls suggest a close race between the three front-runners and pollsters think the result is likely to be settled in a run-off a week after the first vote . 一系列电视和报纸民意调查表明,三位处于领先地位的竞选人竞争激烈,民意调查人员认为,很可能在首次选举的一个星期后要举行决选。 A survey thursday by pollsters yougov showed that labour could finish third in european elections after the conservatives and the uk independence party -- an embarrassing outcome that would ratchet up pressure on mr. brown . 民意测验机构yougov周四进行的一项调查显示,工党在欧洲议会议员选举中可能仅位列第三,落后于保守党和英国独立党,这一令人难堪的结果将加大布朗承受的压力。