deader 双语例句
I thought you were a deader for sure . 我想你应该是已经确确实实死了的。 The police found the wife was deader than the husband . 警察发现妻子比丈夫死的较早。 City centres might actually look much deader than they already do but for one curious change . 城市中心看上去可能比他们实际的状况更加的死气沉沉,不过却有一个奇怪的变化。 Until he can give us some answers , the deader he is , the safer he is . 知道他可以给我们一些答案,他越死就越安全。 Can he turn it around after so many controversies over the years , or is his career now deader than a dodo ? 这么多年来极富争议的他真能改过自新?他的事业真的比灭绝了的渡渡鸟还要无可救药?