- [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 哈特职业名称,帽商或绰号,戴礼帽者来源于古英语,含义是“礼帽”(hat)
hatt 双语例句
But mr hatt had had enough . 但哈特当时已经受够了。 Yet it was only made possible by a pivotal decision mr hatt took several years earlier . 然而,正是由于哈特几年前做出的一项重大决定,它才成为可能。 With a career spent mainly in travel journalism , mr hatt 's knowledge of the industry proved useful , even if he was not a natural entrepreneur . 由于主要从事旅游报道工作,哈特对这一行业的知识派上了大用场,尽管他不是个天生的创业者。 What he found was an operation based in the attic of mr hatt 's house , where the founder had built up 3 00000 unique users a month and an annual turnover of 4 00000 . 当时摆在他面前的是位于哈特家阁楼里的一摊业务,在那里,这位创始人已经建立了每月30万人的单独用户(uniqueusers)规模,年营业额40万英镑。 These figures flashed through my mind when I picked up the newspaper on saturday and saw the headline : " he 's too hatt to handle " . 星期六,我拿到报纸,看到那标题,脑子里顿时就闪现出这些数字来。