caretakers 双语例句
Plus , they are less trouble to their families and caretakers . 何况他们也给家庭和看护者带来更少麻烦。 Six of their teachers and caretakers died with them inside sandy hook elementary . 六位教师和管理者和他们一起死在了桑迪岬小学。 The new caretakers erected a metal " oneness arch " that stores some of thant 's personal items for posterity . 新的管理人员树立了一座金属的“独一拱门”,为后世保存了一些吴丹的个人物品。 Most act as caretakers for their favorite spots , which they return to year after year . 其中大部分人都有自己亲睐的、年年前往的采集地点。 Some 58 children , mostly boys , live here where they are fed , schooled and educated by caretakers under the direction and support of the afghan government . 这所孤儿院里一共生活着58名儿童,绝大多数是男孩,在阿富汗政府的支持下,他们在这里被抚养并且接受教育。