goodbyes 双语例句
Have you had a chance to say your goodbyes ? 你有机会向她说再见吗? We say our final goodbyes where I forget how to breathe and head to dover . 最后道别,我忘了自己怎样克制情绪,然后巴士朝多佛出发。 What I would like on my last day is just to slip away with no goodbyes and no fuss . 我只想在最后一天悄然离开,不和同事们告别,也不准备兴师动众。 We said our goodbyes , and zoltan left to meet his friend . I returned to the capital to shoot the parliamentary elections . 道别后,zoltan去会朋友,我赶回首都拍议会选举。 It means to say your goodbyes . 那代表你得跟人说再见了。