- abbr. leggiero (Italian=lightly and rapidly) (意大利语)轻而快地
legg 双语例句
Other famous value investors , such as bill miller of legg mason funds , have taken unprecedented poundings . 美盛(leggmason)基金的米勒(billmiller)等其他知名的价值投资者也都遭受了前所未有的打击。 Clegg and cameron also called on their mps to accept legg 's findings . 克莱格和卡梅隆也呼吁国会议员接受莱格的调查结果。 Western asset , the bond unit of legg mason inc. , manages about $ 365 billion in assets and has an " underweight " position in u.s. treasuries . 西方资产管理公司是美盛集团的子公司,旗下管理约3650亿美元的资产,而其中美国国债持有份额不大。 The day before , he visited legg mason inc. 's western asset management , which manages $ 455 billion . 此前一天,他拜访了美盛集团(leggmasoninc.)旗下管理着4550亿美元的westernassetmanagement。 In keeping with its conservative investment philosophy , t rowe price has grown almost entirely organically , unlike its baltimore neighbour , legg mason , which has grown largely through acquisition . 与其保守型投资理念一致的是,troweprice几乎一直是完全靠自身的有机增长来壮大,而它在巴尔的摩的邻居leggmason则主要靠收购来扩张。