英 ['dʒi:əˌmænsə]
美 ['dʒi:əˌmænsə]
geomancer 双语例句
A tradition across east asian cultures , couples often consult a geomancer or a feng shui expert to choose the most appropriate day for the marriage ceremony . 作为东亚的一种传统,夫妇们常常会请风水先生来选择举办婚礼最适合的时间。 The tomb was supposed to be in nanjing . But zhu di secretively dispatched a minister and a geomancer to look for a propitious place to build the tomb . 陵墓理应建在南京,但是朱棣却悄悄派一个大臣和一个风水先生前往北京寻找吉壤建陵。 The most disturbing of the geomancer 's power , however , is his ability to separate his being into multiple selves , each as powerful as the original and making him potentially four times the trouble for the unlucky who encounter him . 然而土占师最扰人的能力是他能将自身的存在分离产生多个另体,每个另体的能力都与本体不相上下,让他成为惹上他的倒楣鬼的四倍大的大麻烦。