faw 双语例句
Faw , the other big chinese producer , is number three , producing 182000 . 中国另一家大型卡车制造商一汽集团排名第三,产量为18.2万辆。 However , a person familiar with the situation said toyota 's joint venture with faw group corp. has been developing a china-only car based on an older , outdated corolla platform for a possible brand it might launch in china . 然而,一名知情人士说,丰田同中国第一汽车集团公司(fawgroupcorp.)的合资企业一直在研制一款中国专属车型,可能会在中国推出一个依据过时的花冠(corolla)平台所打造的品牌。 Faw car said its net profit for the six months ended june 30 was 1.34 billion yuan , up from 535.28 million yuan a year earlier . 一汽轿车说,截至6月30日的六个月中,净利润从去年同期的人民币5.3528亿元增至13.4亿元。 Phelps is reported to be earning " well into seven figures " for the deal with faw mazda . 据报道,菲尔普斯将在这单合同中赚到一汽马自达给的“7位数”酬劳. Tianjin faw xiali automobile launched china 's first economy-car brand , xia li , in the 1980s . 天津一汽夏利于上世纪80年代推出中国第一款经济型轿车品牌夏利。