英 ['rɪstlɪt]
美 ['rɪstlɪt]
wristlet 双语例句
Vera bradley all in one wristlet . 维拉布拉德利所有在一个手拿包。 Beautiful is thy wristlet , decked with stars and cunningly wrought in myriad-coloured jewels . 你的手镯真是美丽,镶着星辰,精巧地嵌着五光十色的珠宝。 Some scenes are merely pantomimes , for which the chinese are celebrated-the picking up of a jade wristlet or the rowing of a ferryboat crossa river . The total repertoire of still extant and regularly performed scenes numbers over 500 . 有些戏纯粹是哑剧,中国人因此而驰名世界,如拾玉镯,秋江等即是此类哑剧。如今中国舞台上常演的固定剧目达500多个。