英 [ɪn'kəʊdə]
美 [ɪn'kəʊdə]
encoder 双语例句
Screen capturing stops when the encoder is restored . 编码器被还原时,屏幕捕获终止。 Compression is the main target of video encoder . 压缩是视频编码的一个主要目的。 For this study , pairs of rats were trained to function as an ' encoder decoder ' pair . 为了这项研究,成对的老鼠们被训练后充当了一对对“编码者-解码者”组合。 Somebody 's tampered with your encoder . 有人对编码器动过手脚。 While capturing and encoding , you can view detailed statistics on the monitor panel of the main encoder window . 进行捕获和编码时,可以在主编码器窗口的监视面板上查看详细统计信息。