Bieber 双语例句
Bieber also starred in a series of public service announcements tied to the company . 比伯还拍摄了与该公司相关的一系列公益广告。 And its new lead investor is perhaps the world 's most famous teenager : justin bieber . 打造这个网络的团队曾用洛克莱(Rocklive)这个厂牌开发过风靡一时的社交类手机游戏,而洛克莱最新的幕后金主可能是当今世上风头无两的青少年巨星——贾斯汀•比伯。 Justin bieber runaway love booty shorts plus size . 贾斯汀比伯爱失控藏宝短裤加上规模。 On wednesday bieber 's computer was stolen during his concert . 比伯的电脑周三在他的演唱会上被偷。 Bieber never made it into the building . bieber根本没能进入那个建筑。