c. 1600, from Latin emasculatus, past participle of emasculare "castrate," from assimilated form of ex- "out, away" (see ex-) + masculus "male, manly" (see masculine). Originally and usually in a figurative sense in English. Related: Emasculated; emasculating.
emasculate 双语例句
1. The company tried to emasculate the unions.
2. Physically, she was of a pale, emasculate and unimportant structure.
就身体上说, 她肤色苍白, 身体柔弱,并不出色.
3. To remove the testicles of a male; geld or emasculate.
去除(雄性动物的)睾丸; 阉割或使无男子气.
4. Castrate: To remove the testicles of a male; geld or emasculate.