Lou 双语例句
Mr. lou didn 't elaborate on the plans . 楼继伟没有详细说明投资计划。 Mary lou quinlan and valerie sherman have lived across the hall from each other in a manhattan apartment building for 16 years . 玛丽洛乌昆兰(marylouquinlan)和瓦莱丽舍曼(valeriesherman)在曼哈顿的一幢公寓住了16年对门。 Another important double symbol in the xi yang lou is the fish . 西洋楼中另一个重要的双关符号是“鱼”。 Governments should introduce pro-investment policies such as tax breaks and cheap bank loans to create an attractive environment , lou said . 政府应该介绍前期投资政策如税率和低廉银行贷款已创建更吸引人的环境,娄说。 Lord patten says the biggest risk is that the new president takes a " lou dobbs view of the world " , referring to the populist cnn anchor . 彭定康表示,最大的风险是新总统接受“卢多布斯(loudobbs)的世界观”(多布斯是cnn主播,主张民粹主义)。