alm 双语例句
Figure 1 . Alm addresses different disciplines and development phases . 图1.alm处理不同学科和不同开发阶段的问题 But alm trends are equally important . 但资产负债匹配的趋势也同样重要。 Through long-time practice , western commercial banks have accumulated lots of experience in alm . And alm has matured in western banks . 经过长期实践,西方商业银行积累了不少资产负债管理的经验,且这种管理方式在西方银行已发展得比较成熟。 My definition of agile alm results in processes and tool chains that are flexible , open to change and high in quality . 我对agilealm的定义可归结为,一些灵活的、对改变持开发态度的、高质量的过程和工具链。 With its interdisciplinary approach , agile alm integrates project roles , project phases and artifact types . 凭借其跨学科的做法,agilealm整合了项目的角色、项目的阶段和各种工件。