Storie 双语例句
My view on qiong yaos love storie . 我对琼瑶爱情小说的看法。 In midst of modern ills , some ocean success storie . 现代问题中成功的海洋案例。 Now , the voa special english program , words and their storie . 现在是voa特别英语词语典故节目。 Their storie must be told if we want tio solve difficult social problems and help those who suffer from them . 如果我们想要解决这些困难的社会问题并且帮助那些人,那么他们的故事一定要讲给众人听。 Everyone is walking , sometimes they take packed public transportatins made of tramways , trolleys and even 2 storie buses . 每个人都是步行,有时拥挤的交通由电车,有轨电车,两层巴士构成。