Westfield 双语例句
Traders said the financial sector was being dragged down as investors raised cash to invest in westfield 's capital raising . 交易员说,随着投资者筹措现金用于投资westfield的融资活动,金融股受到拖累。 The second stage involved 18 westfield shopping centers , where you could go to have your name printed on your cans . 活动的第二阶段在18个韦斯特菲尔德购物中心举行,你可以去到那里,然后把自己的名字印在可乐罐上。 Together with westfield and its retailers , newham council is screening locals for jobs in the complex . 和澳洲地产集团以及它的零售商一起,纽汉议会正在为综合设施内的工作筛选当地应征者。 At garden state plaza outside new york city , mall developer westfield group has a new system from engineering firm park assist that uses overhead sensors and cameras to identify open spots . 在纽约市郊的gardenstateplaza商场,开发商westfieldgroup从工程技术公司parkassist引入了一个新系统,通过空中传感器和照相机来识别空车位。 The survey , of consumers at westfield london and westfield stratford city , found children aged three to 12 years also wanted a dog , chocolate and a stick of rock . 这一面向westfieldlondon和westfieldstratfordcity购物中心的消费者的调查发现,年龄在3岁和12岁之间的小孩也很想得到狗、巧克力和硬棒糖。