Weibo 双语例句
Sina weibo has more than 200 million registered users . 新浪微博的注册用户已经超过两亿。 Thousands of government agencies and officials have weibo accounts . 数以千计的政府机构和官员拥有微博账户。 The new government rules are already affecting sina weibo . 新的政府规定已经在影响新浪微博。 Zhao 's comments were roundly denounced by netizens and the main microblogging site sina weibo censored thousands of angry responses . 赵的评论引发了网民的全面谴责,而新浪微博则过滤了上千条愤怒的回帖。 Weibo may have a better claim to the title of chinese facebook than renren . 新浪微博可能比人人更有资格被称作中国版的facebook。