diodes 双语例句
Light-emitting diodes ( leds ) , a high-efficiency lighting technology , promises to cut those costs by half . LED(发光二机管)技术有望将这一数字减半。 The bulb 's 10 diodes each with a yellow phosphor sit along a halo of aluminum fingers . 灯泡里面的十只覆盖着黄色荧光粉的发光二极管紧贴着环形铝制栅格的边缘。 Light-emitting diodes have progressed from simple red indicators on electronic products to become torches , streetlights and car headlights . 发光二极管已经不仅仅用来制作简单电子产品上的红色指示灯,在手电、街灯和车头灯中亦有应用。 Just as electronic circuits are made from transistors , diodes and other devices , so too are biological circuits . 就像电子电路是由一些晶体管、二极管及和其他元件组成,所以生物电路也同样如此。 Unlike high-technology solutions to reducing energy use , like light-emitting diodes in lamp fixtures , white roofs have a long and humble history . 不同于其他一些高科技的降能措施,譬如发光二极管的灯泡,白色屋顶有着漫长和不起眼的历史。