Phil 双语例句
Raynor also advises watching out for what phil rosenzweig dubbed " the halo effect . " 此外,雷诺还建议我们小心提防菲尔•罗森茨维格所称的“晕轮效应”(thehaloeffect)。 Check out colleague phil elmer-dewitt 's story on why jobs selected isaacson for the job . 我的同事菲尔•埃尔默-德维特专门写了一篇文章,讲述乔布斯为何选择伊萨克森为自己撰写传记。 This is a portrait by a photographer named phil toledano . 这是摄影师菲尔托莱达诺拍摄的一张面部表情。 And apple 's marketing boss phil schiller is all over instagram . 并且苹果公司的市场营销老大philschiller就是一个instagram狂热用户。 Lakers coach phil jackson didn 't seem particularly concerned about bryant . 湖人主教练菲尔杰克逊看起来似乎不是很关心科比的伤势。