- abbr. osteopathic manipulation therapy 整骨疗法治疗
omt 双语例句
Portugal will likely want to join the omt mechanism . 葡萄牙有可能希望加入OMT机制。 Instead of buying time , the omt , will simply be delaying the inevitable while increasing the money supply . 直接货币交易并不是在赢得时间,只是在增加货币供应的同时,推迟不可避免之结局最终到来的时间。 Just this week draghi called the omt " the most successful monetary policy measure " of recent times . 就在上周,德拉吉还将OMT称为最近一个阶段“最为成功的货币政策”。 The truly impressive bit about the omt is that it has never been used . OMT真正引人注目的一点是欧洲央行从未采取过这项措施。 First , under the omt , member states requiring assistance must formally apply for help . 首先,根据直接货币交易,寻求资助的成员国必须正式提出申请。