Macbook 双语例句
But , can the new macbook air really be your one-and-only ? 但是新款MacBookAir真的会是你的独一无二之选成为用户的唯一吗? * The new york times ' david pogue reviews several ultrabooks , pc-makers ' answer to the macbook air . *《纽约时报》的大卫•伯格测评了数款超级笔记本电脑(Ultrabooks),这是个人电脑制造商为对抗苹果MacBookAir而推出的产品。 Best device of 2012 : macbook pro retina ( 15-inch ) . 2012年最佳设备:苹果的MacBookProRetina笔记本电脑(15寸)。 The hardware announcements were impressive but excluded a lower priced macbook air price performance for education . 虽然会上公布的硬件给人留下了深刻印象,但却并未发布更实惠、性价比更高的教育专用MacBookAir。 In the end , the 11-inch macbook air is a worthy update and an excellent ultraportable . 总之,11寸吋的新MacBookAir是一次称职的升级,也是一款出色的超便携产品。