- n. 讲话者,谈话者( talker的名词复数 )
talkers 双语例句
Car salesmen are all fast talkers . 汽车销售员都是说话很快的人。 The greatest talkers are always least doers . 语言的巨人总是行动的矮子。 Great talkers are great liars . 夸夸其谈的人必然谎话连篇。 Talkers let fear of failure keep them on the sideline ; doers overcome fear and move on , and when they fail , they simply try again . 空谈者受胁于失败的恐惧而主动退出;实干家却能克服内心的胆怯继续前进,即使他们失败了,也不过是从头再来。 The new study , led by psychologist andrew whitehouse at the university of western australia in perth , is the first to track late talkers over the long haul . 这项由珀斯市西澳大利亚大学心理学家安德鲁怀特豪斯负责的新研究,是首个对晚说话宝宝进行长期跟踪调查的研究。