Holi 双语例句
Holi has never been celebrated here for the simple reason that ...... 格鲁酷不庆祝胡里节的原因很简单,那就是……。 The tradition of holi is followed with great enthusiasm all over nepal . 在整个尼泊尔,洒红节都被灌注了极大的热情。 Billie holi day was famous for singing the blues . 比利霍利戴以演唱勃鲁斯歌曲而著名。 The resulting powder is then ready to be tossed by celebrants of india 's colorful holi festival . 到了五彩缤纷的胡里节,狂欢者们将会用这些准备好的粉末互相泼洒。 Holi , the festival of colors , is a popular hindu spring festival . 胡里节,又称色彩节,是印度家喻户晓的春节。