voted 双语例句
Ultimately , close to 4,500 google employees voted on nearly 1,200 employee-generated ideas . 最终,约有4,500名谷歌员工对同事提出的约1,200条建议进行了投票。 Gupta has been serving on hp 's compensation committee and shareholders voted against hp 's compensation practices this year . 此前,古普塔一直担任惠普薪酬委员会委员,而股东们今年投票否决了惠普公司的薪酬安排。 Shareholders voted for the michael dell-led buyout in october , concluding the most contentious deal of the year . 十月份,股东投票通过了迈克尔•戴尔领导的收购计划,这也成为今年争议最大的一笔交易。 They were one of the few countries last week that voted against the ecb entering the secondary markets . 德国是上周投票反对欧洲央行进入二级市场的几个国家之一。 While gamers spoke with their voices , they also voted with their wallets . 游戏玩家们会用话语表达自己的态度,但他们更会用自己的钱包来投票。