Frise 双语例句
Other dogs in the running were the miniature schnauzer , bichon frise , and Chinese crested . 参与评选的其它犬种包括迷你雪纳瑞、卷毛狮子犬和中国冠毛犬。 Structural faults common to all breeds are as undesirable in the Bichon Frise as in any other breed , even though such faults may not be specifically mentioned in the standard . 卷毛比雄犬的结构方面的缺陷与其他品种一样不合需要,尽管这些可能在该品种的标准中没有详细描述出来。 Frise type ailerons accompany the tapered design and allow for a high rate of roll , with large single slotted flaps , electrically controlled . 机翼上采用了弗里兹副翼(阻力副翼),电动控制,使得飞机能够在与大型开缝襟翼的配合下,实现很高的滚转率。