astron 双语例句
But there are also trendily dressed young entrepreneurs from small companies such as astron , a zirconium-mining business , whose md , kang rong , says she wants to know more about the world 's stock exchanges . 但也有来自阿斯创(astron)等小企业的年轻时髦的企业家。阿斯创从事锆开采业务,其经理康蓉表示,她希望对全球股票交易所有更多的了解。 Zheng , h.n. , zhang , b. and wang , s. , 1995 , a mechanism for the formation of plasmoid-type cme in the solar corona , acta astron . Sinica , 36341 . 郑惠南,张兵,王水,1995,等离子体团型日冕物质抛射的形成机制,天文学报,36341.