Dusseldorf 双语例句
Original fossil remains were found in 1856 in the neander valley , near dusseldorf , germany . 最早的化石发现于1856年,德国杜塞尔多夫附近的尼安德山谷。 He stumbled by refusing to say he would stay in dusseldorf to lead the opposition if he lost . 其拒绝说如果败选的话,他将留在杜塞尔多夫领导反对派,对此,他踌躇不已。 While europe 's flag carriers concentrated on their hubs , emirates sought secondary markets such as manchester , glasgow , hamburg and dusseldorf . 欧洲的国有航空公司专心于他们的中心,而阿联酋则在曼彻斯特、格拉斯哥、汉堡和杜塞尔多夫等二级市场探寻商机。 Fast forward to dusseldorf in 2007 and german banks from across the public and private sphere have stepped up to the plate to rescue ikb . 不妨快进到2007年的杜塞尔多夫,德国来自公共和私人领域的各家银行已加紧行动,为德国产业投资银行纾困。 Amsterdam is home to the third - biggest japanese community in europe ( after london and dusseldorf ) 阿姆斯特丹是紧随伦敦与杜塞尔多夫(dusseldorf)之后、全欧洲日本侨民第三大聚居地