- bachelor of economics 经济学士
bec 双语例句
Bec uses sophisticated and highly effective systems and processes to meet your specific needs . bec采用先进高效的管理系统和流程控制来满足客户的各种严格需求。 I 'm at this hospital bec . 我到这家医院来就是. He made me put my mother in a home bec . 他让我把我妈妈送到了老人院因为。 After passing the bec higher with excellent score , my life underwent a new turn that won me more challenges and opportunities . 自从以优异的成绩考过bec高级以后,我的人生之路发生了重大的转折,赢得了更多的机遇与挑战。 A model presents a creation at the bec & amp ; bridge show during sydney fashion week , may 2 , 2012 . 悉尼时间2012年5月2日,在悉尼时装周的bec&bridge上,模特在展示新款设计。