Barra 双语例句
Count on new ceo mary barra to feel the hydrogen heat . 预计新任CEO玛丽•芭拉也会感受到氢气散发的热度。 Two years later , he moved bob lutz 's successor out of product developmentand put barra in . 两年后,阿克森把鲍伯·卢茨的继任人调离产品研发部门,让芭拉顶上了这个职位。 Barra 's management mantra is a simple one : " no more crappy cars . " 博拉的管理信条很简单:“别再生产烂车。” Maybe barra can find a brilliant partnership in europe that will help gm gain a sustainable foothold there . 芭拉也许应该在欧洲物色一个更为稳健出色的合作伙伴,帮助通用汽车在欧洲市场上站稳脚跟。 As gm downsized and restructured , barra immersed herself in the minutiae of compensation and benefits . 在通用汽车瘦身重组的过程中,芭拉埋首于员工薪资福利这种琐碎的工作。