targeted 双语例句
Diagnosing the breakdowns within a neuron will allow for targeted gene therapy . 诊断单个神经元的障碍使定向基因疗法成为可能。 The scroogled campaign had initially targeted google 's dominant search engine and its controversial privacy practices . “Scroogled”战役的最初目标是谷歌占据统治地位的搜索引擎和饱受争议的隐私策略。 Slice is free but may offer targeted deals or limited information to affiliate merchants in the future . Slice目前可免费使用,但将来,它有可能向会员商户提供目标交易或者的部分信息。 One thing that helps is to make very targeted trips when I have to travel for work . 有一点很有帮助,如果必须出差,我会制定非常有针对性的行程。 The second blast targeted the headquarters of a police force . 第二次爆炸的目标是一个警察总部。