Alzheimer 双语例句
How to handle alzheimer 's at work 如何应对工作上的老年痴呆症 The plan sets the ambitious goal of developing effective prevention and treatment strategies for alzheimer 's by 2025 . 该计划设定了一个宏伟的目标,希望到2025年开发出有效预防和治疗老年痴呆症的方法。 And if drugs to slow the course of alzheimer 's become available , the gene could help identify who should begin taking those drugs earlier . 如果有可以延缓老年痴呆症的药物,该基因可能会帮助辨识哪些人应该及早开始服用这类药物。 Until now , the only definitive way to diagnose alzheimer 's has been to search for plaque with a brain autopsy after the patient dies . 直到现在,唯一有效的老年痴呆症诊断方法是对死去的病人进行脑部尸检来找到空斑的存在。 Being in the wild reduces stress ; spending time with a pet enhances the lives of everyone from autistic children to alzheimer 's patients . 身处荒郊野外可减轻压力,与宠物共度时光可改善每个人的生活,从患自闭症的儿童到患老年痴呆症的病人。