wid 双语例句
We kain tek no cow wid us . 咱们可不能带头母牛走呀。 Sont wud he mout go off wid de sojers . 说不定他跟那些大兵一起走了。 Their father took another piece of apple-cake and went on : " maybe next saturday night de two little fellers can go along wid dem . " 他们的父亲了另一个苹果一块蛋糕,接着说:“也许下周六晚上德的两个小费勒斯可以沿着妇女参与发展马克。” An'ah say : ah doan know , suh , but you is boun'ter go fo'de yankees gits hyah an'wants him ter go wid you . 俺说,俺不知道,先生,不过你一定得去,因为北方佬就要来了,要他陪你一起走。