urumqi 双语例句
Whereas in beijing year-on-year food inflation in september was 5 per cent , in north-western urumqi it was almost 12 per cent . 9月份北京食品价格同比上涨5%,乌鲁木齐的涨幅则接近12%。 Cities such as urumqi , changchun and kunming - which have among the lowest per capita incomes in the country - have all experienced food inflation of more than 10 per cent . The national average for september was around 8 per cent . 在乌鲁木齐、长春和昆明等人均收入在全国垫底的城市,食品价格涨幅均超过10%,而9月份全国的平均涨幅约为8%。