uploading 双语例句
Pro users also get ftp uploading capabilities . 专业用户也有ftp上传功能。 But this latter feature only works when uploading from the website . 但后一种功能只能在网页上传时使用。 Avoid repeating the downloading and uploading of large files . 避免重复下载和上载大型文件。 After uploading you will be given a link , that others can use to download your file . 上传后你会得到一个连接,别人可以通过这个链接来下载你的文件。 But once they hit five runs , they 're massively more likely to keep running and uploading data . 可是一旦他上传数据的次数达到5次,那么他就有很大可能性继续跑下去。