英 [ˌʌnsək'sesflɪ]
美 [ˌʌnsək'sesflɪ]
unsuccessfully 双语例句
Perhaps we 're standing up , trying , unsuccessfully , to balance food , drink and fork . 或许我们站着、努力却失败地保持着食品、饮料和叉子的平衡。 The recommendation for women over 35 is to begin testing after trying to conceive unsuccessfully for 6 months . 而对于35岁以上的女性的建议是:在尝试怀孕6个月后仍未成功的应该开始接受检测。 To delete the job when it has completed unsuccessfully . 以在作业失败时删除作业。 They tried , unsuccessfully , to stop news spreading by ordering a block on the village 's name and location . 官员下令屏蔽村名及地点以屏蔽消息,但无功而返。 The first approach overcomes the problem , the second approach only tries to avoid the problem , and usually unsuccessfully . 第一种方法教你解决问题;而后一种方法却是在叫你逃避问题,而往往也不会很成功。