1590s, "phantom, ghost," a figurative use from Latin umbra "shade, shadow" (see umbrage). Astronomical sense of "shadow cast by the earth or moon during an eclipse" is first recorded 1670s. Meaning "an uninvited guest accompanying an invited one" is from 1690s in English, from a secondary sense among the Romans. Related: Umbral.
umbra 双语例句
1. This includes the continuous survey of umbra and penumbra of the sunspot.
2. This is a lighter area between the umbra and the edge of a shadow.
3. Only moon umbra totally puts on earth, the shadow area can watch the eclipse.
唯有在月球的本影投影在地球表面时, 在该区域的人才能够观测到日食.
4. Umbra - You need Samples values equal to or greater than 2 to see any influence of this button.