turmoils 双语例句
By contrast , hp , having undergone its own turmoils in recent years , has had a smoother time ( up 6 at 15 ) . 相比之下,近年来也曾经历风波的惠普则度过了一个相对平稳的时期,品牌排名上升6位,至第15位。 Despite the financial turmoils in southeast asia , our economy continues to expand . 尽管东南亚的金融市场受到冲击,香港的经济仍继续蓬勃增长。 The entire region has been devastated by the turmoils of war . 整个地区已经被战乱毁坏了。 We are here in the middle of one of the greatest turmoils in wall street history . 我们在华尔街有史以来最大的动荡中聚会。 The national economies of many european countries have recently been forced to fit maastricht conditions and arbitrary deadlines , and such actions have created unnecessary economic turmoils . 近来,许多欧洲国家的国民经济被强制要求符合马斯特里赫特条件和人为的截止日期,而这些行为已产生了不必要的经济混乱。